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  • 2 Minute Read
  • 23rd May 2011

Richard Smith, Founder and CEO of SOS receives Award at ABCN's 10th Annual Worldview Forum

SOS > Search Office Space is delighted to announce that Richard Smith, our Founder and CEO was the proud recipient of an Award of Appreciation for being an "Alliance Network Star".

It was presented to Richard after being a panellist on the subject of Social Media Networking at ABCN’s 10th Annual Worldview Forum (Going Green theme), by Frank Cottle, the Chairman of the Alliance Business Centre Network.

Frank Cottle commented, "We presented this to Richard in recognition of his general support, participation and attendance for ABCN conventions in Europe and North America over many years. He is a true friend of ABCN and we wanted to make sure he knew it."

Richard Smith was understandably thrilled, "It was such a wonderful surprize and great honour to receive this recognition from ABCN, an organisation I have admired and enjoyed being part of for so long. Each event I attend gets better - the speakers and the subjects are always so current and cutting edge (my good friend Mark Burge was particularly impressive in both of his presentations). I always return to my office full of inspiration. The amount of planning, effort, energy, and sheer hard work that goes into these conventions is unbelievable and I must congratulate Frank Cottle, John Milhado, Sandra Peti and the entire ABCN team for this conference which was a great success."

This years event took place in Berlin, Potsdam, Germany; an area that has placed significant focus on environmental issues; a great venue for this years theme, ‘Going Green’.

Business centre owners/managers, Industry Professionals, Commercial Real Estate Companies and Corporate Business Centre Users were all invited to attend, take part and pick up ‘Going Green’ business tips.

Richard joined 3 other panellists (Inge-Marie Morren, Marielle Sijgers and Stefan Jorgensen) to discuss, Social Media and Networking for increased market share, asking the question: If social media can change a government, then what can it do for your centre?

Social Media and SOS > Search Office Space

At SOS > Search Office Space, we believe that social media is all about communication, psychology and making business more ‘human’. Below are the 3 main ideas we like to embrace:

1. Reciprocation - We should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us. The same idea can be used in social media; we’re more likely to retweet someone who has already retweeted us and we "like" people who have liked us. And most importantly, we tend to trust businesses more when they give back to others.

2. Social Proof – Most of us are impressed when someone has a ton of blog subscribers, Twitter followers, YouTube views, multiple blog reviews. Creating a lot of value for others can help you gain credibility and social proof.

3. Compliment - We prefer to say yes to people we know and like. People give extra credit to attractively designed blogs and messages contained in videos with higher production quality. After all a retweet, trackback or positive blog comment is simply the internet’s way of paying a simple social compliment.